Kaiserliche Marine Figuren

Kaiserliche Marine Figuren

Here you cand find all our figures from the time of the german Kaiserliche Marine (54mm)

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Matrose im Landungsanzug und Tropenhelm um 1900

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Matrose im Landungsanzug und Strohhut um 1900

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Schiffsjunge im Arbeitszeug um 1900

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Feldwebel einer Matrosendivision um 1888

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Großadmiral Hans von Koester im Überzieher

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Oberleutnant zur See im Messeanzug um 1905

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Heizer im Ausgehanzug um 1905

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Wache der deutschen Gesandtschaft mit Kälteschutz in Peking um 1900

kit contains unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Uffz. des III. Seebataillon in Kiautschou um 1905

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg

Admiral Tirpitz um 1912

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Kapitän zur See im Jackett um 1905

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Matrose des Marinekorps in Flandern um 1916

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

U-Boot Matrose im Lederzeug um 1916

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Matrose des Landungszuges der „S.M.S. Emden“ in Damaskus 

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Matrose des Landungszuges der „S.M.S. Emden“ in Damaskus 

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

KptLt. Mücke in Damaskus Mai 1915

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Maat, Geschützführer mit Fernglas

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Maat des Marinekorps in Flandern im Wittermantel um 1916

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Heizer mit Kohlenschaufel

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Heizer / Kohlentrimmer

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Matrose mit Schifferklavier

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

KptLt. Otto Weddingen, U-Boot Kommandant, WK I

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Heizer mit Feuereisen

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *


kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Feuerloch (Zinn- und Gießkeramikteile)

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal & ceramic parts, without glue and colors

13.50 *

Matrose, U-Boot Brückenwache im Ölzeug

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Wachoffizier, U-Boot Brückenwache im Ölzeug

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Matrose, U-Boot Rudergänger im Ölzeug

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

11.50 *

Oberleutnant zur See als wachhabender Offizier

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *

Geschützführer einer Maschinenkanone

kit contains unassembled and unpainted white metal parts, without glue and colors

10.50 *
* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery