figures & accessories

figures & accessories

Here you can find all our figures including all accessories, assorted to the following sub-cetegories

Bundeswehr (1/35)

Here you can finde all figures & accessories for the modern German Bundeswehr in 1/35 scale

Bundeswehr (1/32)

Here you can find all figures and accessories for the modern German Bundeswehr in 1/32 scale

Kaiserliche Marine (1/32)

Here you cand find all our figures and accessories from the time of Kaiserliche Marine (54mm)

dt. Schutztruppe (1/32)

Here you cand find all our figures and accessories from the time of deutsche Schutztruppe (54mm)

DOA Askari (1/32)

Here you cand find all our figures and accessories from the time of German East Africa Askari (54mm)

World War 1 (1/32)

Here you can find all figures and accessories from the time of World War I (Germany) (54mm)

pilots (1/32)

Here you can find all our figures and accessories from the Theme "pilots" (54mm)

civil figures (1/32)

Here you can find all figures and accessories from the Theme "civilian figures" (54mm)

fantasy (1/32)

Here you can find all figures and accessories from the Theme "fantasy figures" (54mm)

fantasy classics (1/32)

Here you can find all figures and accessories from the Theme "fantasy classcis" (54mm)

fantasy figures (28mm)

Here you can find all figures and accessories from the Theme "fantasy figures" (28mm)

accessories for figures 1/32

Here you can find all our other accessories, which don't fit into the other categories (54mm)